Low-income Houstonians in need of help preparing wills can receive assistance from volunteer attorneys during the 2019 Will-A-Thon, which is now pre-screening for clients.

The free two-clinic event takes place April 3 and May 1 at the Tidwell Community Center, 9720 Spaulding St., Houston 77016 and brings together the Houston Volunteer Lawyers, Houston Bar Association Elder Law Committee, and the city of Houston Department of Neighborhoods to help prepare the following documents for qualifying residents:

  • Wills
  • Medical power of attorney
  • Advance directive to physicians (living will)
  • HIPAA release
  • Statutory power of attorney
  • Declaration of guardianship
  • Appointment for disposition of remains
  • Transfer on death deed

Those eligible for assistance include low-income seniors age 60 and older, persons with disabilities, and military veterans and their spouses. Clinic times are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and clients must be able to attend both days of their scheduled appointment.

Those interested in the clinics must schedule an appointment for pre-screening by Friday, March 22. To do so, call the Houston Volunteer Lawyers at (713) 228-0735.

For more information, go to makejusticehappen.org.