Former State Bar of Texas President Terry Tottenham talked about the importance of the Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans program during a recent episode of The Dog Tag podcast.
“We’ve reached and serviced more than 28,000 veterans and veteran family members up to now in Texas alone,” said Tottenham. “We have over 9,000 lawyers who’ve contributed their time thus far.”
In 2011, Tottenham and the State Bar of Texas implemented the statewide program that provides pro bono civil legal assistance to veterans and their families who otherwise cannot afford legal services. Texas has the second-highest population of veterans in the nation, and a distressing number of Texas veterans are living in poverty or without homes. TLTV was modeled after a similar program launched by the Houston Bar Association.
Veteran Matt Elledge interviewed Tottenham for the podcast, which is sponsored by the Texas Veterans Land Board. Tottenham said the program’s “Clinic-in-a-Box” contains all the materials someone would need to set up a clinic for veterans. Interested attorneys can also go to to get information on how to start a veterans clinic. Attorneys looking to volunteer at a clinic can view see a current schedule of clinics here.
The legal services provided by the clinics run the gamut, but Tottenham said the greatest demand for legal services is in the area of family law.
To learn more about TLTV, go to