More and more people are focusing on wellness and well-being, a movement that has been around for decades and gained mainstream media attention in the past couple of years. In fact, the July issue of the Texas Bar Journal focuses on lawyer wellness and well-being with articles on brain health, how meaningful work boosts well-being, and an overview of the wellness movement in the legal profession.
In the spirit of wellness and well-being, this summer the Reed Smith’s Wellness Works team launched the “Get Moving Challenge,” a six-week challenge using creative activities, education, friendly competitions, and technology to help attorneys and staff increase their physical fitness activities. More than 900 of the firm’s lawyers and staff members worldwide have signed on to participate.
The Wellness Works team was formed in January to promote, support, and sustain the well-being of all employees at the firm in response to the high-pressure environment of the legal profession. The program focuses on mindfulness, healthy habits, stress management, and work-life balance.
Challenge participants use smart devices or fitness trackers to log their daily activity and advance across a virtual map of the firm’s offices. Grand prizes will be awarded to participants who log the most physical activity in the period, as well as awarding weekly prizes to randomly chosen participants. The office with the highest participation rate will also be honored. Reed Smith has offices in Austin and Houston.
For more information on wellness and well-being and for resources on ways to merge healthy living with the legal practice, go to the Texas Lawyers’ Assistance Program website at