Editor’s note: State Bar of Texas President Tom Vick sent the following message to members Tuesday.
I’m writing to share progress on our search for a general counsel to serve the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors.
The board voted unanimously in January to approve the hiring of a general counsel. The general counsel will provide counsel to the State Bar Board of Directors and officers on an as-needed, contract basis as the board directed. The board agreed to structure the job this way after determining there wasn’t enough work to justify the cost of a full-time, in-house position. Having an attorney available anytime, on contract, is a prudent way to provide the independent general counsel services that the board desires.
The board’s General Counsel Search Committee met today and, after careful review of the responses to the Request for Proposals (RFP), selected six Texas lawyers to interview for the position.
Their names appear below in alphabetical order:
• Martha S. Dickie, Austin
• Ross Fischer, Austin
• Karissa Hostrup Gonzalez, San Antonio
• George Edward Hyde, Georgetown
• Kevin O’Hanlon, Austin
• Michael A. Shaunessy, Austin
If you would like to view their resumes, please click here.
The search committee will interview these candidates in Austin and recommend a nominee to the Board of Directors, which will elect the general counsel by a majority vote. The board will consider the committee’s recommendation at an open board meeting on April 27 in Fort Worth.
The search committee developed and approved the RFP, which was issued on February 20 and emailed to bar members. The deadline for proposals to be submitted was 5 p.m. CST on March 12. The committee received 12 proposals by the deadline, from which the six names above were selected.
If you have any questions or comments on the search process, please contact Amy Turner, the State Bar’s human resources director, at (512) 427-1708.
Tom Vick
President, State Bar of Texas