Texas Veterans Legal Aid Week, coordinated statewide by the Texas Access to Justice Foundation, honors Texas Veterans during the week of Veterans Day. From November 6 to 10, legal aid programs, local bar associations, law schools, and pro bono attorneys will provide free civil legal services to qualified veterans.

Texas has the second-highest population of veterans in the U.S., according to the Department of Veterans Affairs, and legal issues make up five of the top 10 unmet needs of homeless veterans.

In 2016, the clinic workshops during Texas Veterans Legal Aid Week provided assistance to more than 2,500 veterans, according to a press release.

The Texas Access to Justice Foundation provided $1.87 million in grants this year to 14 nonprofits that provide free legal services for veterans and the 85th Legislature appropriated $3 million for the biennium to fund legal services for veterans and their families, according to the release.

For a complete schedule, go to texaslawhelp.org/tvlaw-2017.

To view a list of other free veteran legal clinics around the state, please go to the State Bar’s Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans webpage at texasbar.com/veterans.