Editor’s note: The Houston Bar Association issued the following news release Friday. 

The Houston Bar Association has expanded its LegalLine program to assist those impacted by Hurricane Harvey and has a toll-free number for Texas residents outside the Houston area.

Beginning Tuesday, September 5 through Friday, September 29, volunteer attorneys will answer calls from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Extended LegalLine hours will be available on Wednesday, September 6 and Wednesday, September 20 from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m.

The public can call 713-759-1133 or the toll-free number provided by the State Bar of Texas at 1-866-959-1133. Callers will be able to  speak to volunteer attorneys who will answer their legal questions, provide brief legal advice, and refer them to appropriate resources for help.

The attorneys will be able to answer questions on insurance, landlord/tenant issues, contracts, lost documents, FEMA matters, and other disaster-related topics.

For updated information on disaster relief services, visit www.makejusticehappen.org/Harvey.