Alternative Careers publicity Screen ShotAttorneys considering a career outside of traditional law practice now have another resource. TexasBarCLE is offering a four-part video series from attorney and consultant Kate Neville as part of its free Online Classroom.

The videos, which do not qualify for MCLE credit, are being offered in conjunction with Neville’s popular 2014 TexasBarCLE live course “Alternative Careers for Lawyers: What Are My Options and How Do I Get There?” That course remains available in the TexasBarCLE Online Classroom as a free, non-MCLE-accredited course offering.

“It’s basically a how-to guide of interviewing and networking,” said Neville, of Washington, D.C.-based Neville Career Consulting, in an introduction to the new series. “These videos are intended to be a resource for you throughout your search.”

The series includes the following parts:

  • Alternative Careers Introduction
  • Alternative Careers Part 1: What Are You Looking For?
  • Alternative Careers Part 2: Tell Me About Yourself
  • Alternative Careers Part 3: What Are You Looking to Make?
  • Alternative Careers Part 4: Answering Specific Job Interview Questions

Attorneys can register now at, where they can also find information on other TexasBarCLE offerings, including free MCLE-accredited online classes offered six times a year.