Lakeway Municipal Court Judge Kevin Madison is hosting public viewings of the Texas Young Lawyers Association’s video series “The Unconscious Truth: The Physical and Legal Effects of Underage Binge Drinking,” beginning Wednesday.

Madison also is requiring all minor defendants with deferred disposition probation orders involving alcohol possession or consumption to attend and watch the videos during one of the free public viewings.

“The Unconscious Truth” is a TYLA multimedia project designed to educate students and parents on the signs of alcohol poisoning and the legal and physical consequences associated with binge drinking.

The videos, based on actual events, portray what lead to the alcohol-poisoning death of a California 17-year-old who consumed alcohol at a friend’s house.

“By showing this video, I hope to get parents involved to help promote an awareness of the serious and sometimes catastrophic consequences that can occur when providing alcohol to minors,” Madison said.

The first showing will be at 6 p.m. Aug. 19 at Lakeway Municipal Court, 104 Cross Creek. Additional presentations are scheduled for 6 p.m. on Sept. 2, Oct. 7, Nov. 11 and Dec. 2 at the court.

To RSVP for a film viewing, call 512-314-7560.