Feedly: Feedly is my favorite news aggregator. It allows you to review the latest news from hundreds of sources within just a few minutes.
Google Alerts: Google Alerts notifies you when a term is used on the Internet. It is particularly useful if you are handling a case that has garnered media attention or if you want the most up-to-date information on a legal issue.
IFTTT: If This Then That works with websites, smart devices, and smart appliances to set up rules for Internet content. You can set up rules to recognize hand-down lists or case summaries to send to your favorite aggregator, or you can set up rules to send you text messages to remind you of upcoming events.
LastPass: LastPass generates and saves secure passwords so you have to remember only one password. You can enable multifactor authentication, and it works across platforms.
Benson Varghese of Varghese, Summersett, & Smith, PLLC handles state and federal criminal matters. He is a prolific writer and presents regularly on issues relating to criminal defense and technology.