Austin-area veterans can receive free legal advice through a clinic offered by the Austin Bar Association.

The association hosts a free legal advice clinic for veterans each month, and the next clinic is 1:30 to 4 p.m. June 9 at the new Austin VA Outpatient Clinic at 7901 Metropolis Drive.

Sign-in will take place from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. No appointments or reservations are necessary.

Attorney volunteers will provide brief legal advice but will not offer services such as wills or divorce filings at the clinic. If participants need further legal assistance, the association will provide local legal resources.


Participants are asked to bring any paperwork relevant to their case, including copies of all pertinent claims, correspondence, and rulings from the court, agency, or U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Those seeking veterans benefits or a discharge upgrade should bring a copy of their DD Form 214 and any evidence related to their claim.

For more information, contact the Austin Bar Association at 512-472-0279
 or visit the association online.