Dallas attorney Peter S. Vogel has been named the recipient of a State Bar of Texas award that honors people who make substantial contributions to continuing legal education.

Vogel, a partner in the firm of Gardere Wynne Sewell, L.L.P., will receive the 2013 Gene Cavin Award for Excellence in Continuing Legal Education at an upcoming TexasBarCLE course.


Vogel served on the board of directors of the State Bar of Texas, where he was the founding chair of the Computer and Technology Section. He teaches courses on eDiscovery and the Law of eCommerce as an adjunct professor at the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law and is on the founding board of advisors of the SMU Computer Law Review and Technology Journal. He is also known as a frequent and well-regarded CLE speaker.


The bar established the Gene Cavin Award in 1989 to honor long-term participation in State Bar CLE seminars and publications. The award carries the name of the professional development program’s founder who, during his service from 1964 to 1987, brought the program to international prominence.