At a press conference held today at the State Capitol, representatives of the Texas Access to Justice Commission and the Supreme Court of Texas announced four legislative proposals to address the funding crisis in the Texas legal aid system.… Continue Reading
The Texas Legal Services Center today received a $95,000 grant to expand its Veterans Legal Hotline for veterans in need of civil legal services.… Continue Reading
Former Chief Justice Joe R. Greenhill -- the longest-serving justice in the history of the Supreme Court of Texas -- died today at his home in Austin. He was 96.… Continue Reading
U.S. Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) and John Cornyn (R-TX) today announced that they were accepting applications for three judicial vacancies in Texas.… Continue Reading
The State Bar Board of Directors has passed a resolution supporting Prime Partner banks that provide additional funding to legal aid programs in Texas.… Continue Reading
On Jan. 23, Texas lost one of its legal legends, Louise Ballerstedt Raggio. She was 91. Known as the "Mother of Family Law in Texas," Raggio was a well-known champion for the rights of women and children and a civil rights activist.… Continue Reading