For Random Profiles, we randomly pick one of our 80,000-plus attorneys, call them, and do a Q&A. We’ve found that every Texas lawyer has an interesting story. Will yours be next?
Best thing about being a lawyer: Winning custody for pro bono clients.
Who is your favorite on-screen or literary attorney, and why? Paul Newman as Frank Galvin in The Verdict – a great film about personal redemption and winning the right way.
The best piece of advice ever given to you and by whom: “You can always make new friends, but you can’t make old friends.” – my father
Education: University of Texas School of Law, JD, 1985; Baylor University, BBA, 1982
Areas of practice: Family law
Family/personal: Married for 18 wonderful years; two children in high school and one in middle school.
Bad habit: Improving the lie of my golf ball, but only when it’s really necessary.
Doesn’t: admit to improving the lie of my golf ball.
Is not good at: texting.
What kind of car do you drive? Black
Mentors/heroes: Ed Blackstone, retired from practicing law, now a Methodist minister in East Texas; and Keith Nelson, the coolest divorce lawyer in Texas.
Most important career lessons: Get paid before trial. Clients will lie to you. Know when to stop talking and sit down.
Favorite saying/quote: “The best day in a man’s life is the day after his first divorce.”
Pet peeve: Self-absorbed people.
Secret for staying young: Choose your parents carefully.
Favorite TV program: The Office
Favorite artist: David Gilmour
Favorite album: Dark Side of the Moon
Favorite movie: The Godfather, Part II
Favorite sport: UT football
Favorite restaurant: Ojeda’s
Collects: old black and white boxing photographs.
Memorable vacation: Cabo, via private jet on someone else’s dime. Sweet.
If I had more time, I would: play golf every Friday afternoon.
Biggest misconception about me: That I am cocky.
The part of my job I do best is: keep my clients calm in the storm of divorce.
What do you think is the biggest challenge facing attorneys today? Living a balanced life. The pressure to work more, bill more, and make more money will pass, and so will we.
If you weren’t an attorney, what profession do you think you would be in? A Tarrant County Judge. Hey, just kidding! If you’re from Dallas, you get it.
What’s the turning point that made you decide to become an attorney? I was a senior about to graduate from Baylor when it struck me that in less than 90 days I would start a career in accounting, working for someone else for the rest of my life. Sheer terror. Just in the nick of time to apply for admission to law school.
Any words of wisdom or advice for newly licensed attorneys? When you leave on Friday, don’t darken the door of your office until Monday morning. Your family and friends love you and deserve your time more than any client or case you will ever have.
Mark Williamson works at The Williamson Group, PC.
You can also view Mark’s profile.
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Opinions and statements expressed in these profiles are those of their subjects – not the State Bar of Texas.